Roots to Fruits

Über ein paar Ecken lerne ich die Organisatorinnen des für den 23.7. geplanten ersten Fruit-Tasting in San Francisco kennen. Roots to Fruits soll Menschen in San Francisco einerseits Appetit machen, in ihrem Hinterhof Obstbäume zu pflanzen und ihnen andererseits dabei auch Hilfestellung geben.

Neben den Obstbäumen sollen auch andere Elemente gezeigt werden:

  • Hühner- und Bienenhaltung
  • Regenwasserernteund Grauwassernutzung
  • Gemüsebeete, Wurmkompost


In einem Ausstellungsgarten, der die Größe eines durchschnittlichen San Franciscoer Hinterhofs hat (ca. 8x13 m) sollen bei der Auftaktveranstaltung Vorträge und Workshops  bei der Auswahl der richtigen Pflanzen für das Mikroklima des jeweiligen Gartens helfen und über Beschneiden und Pfropfen sowie die Pflege der Obstbäume informieren.

The Backyard Showcase Garden - two weeks before...

The set up of the site is in progress - until now important but less visible and specactular but very important items are prepared: a windbreak fence that marks the dimensions of the Backyard Showcase Garden and an incredibly long irrigation line for the whole school farm. It leads to two 1550 gallon water tanks that will be used to collect rainwater.

The Roots to Fruits site stretches out in east-west-direction on the edge of the School Farm area and has the size of an average San Francisco backyard - 25x40ft.
It will show a tasting orchard, but not just fruit trees will be there, also a bunch of other great vegetables/shrubs/perennials that can grow in the small space of an urban backyard. And it will be not only plants, chicken, bees, and examples for technical solutions like use of greywater and rainwater harvesting.



I really love the idea, it's so clear and easy to capture. Feel the narrowness of the backyard and then see the density of possibilities even in that small share of space. And then start to rethink your persuasion that your backyard is only a dull and shady place and see in it the option of being a little paradise dedicated to sustainable food production. Or, if you are already in the process, be inspired of what else is possible.

Besides I see the fantastic brand new cob oven and the will-be table tops for the Garden Café tables and hear about the larger visions for the School Farm.

After I helped sheet mulching the back part of the garden and the way next to it I leave, deeply impressed by the School Farm project and its newest growing extension, the Backyard Showcase garden. There has been a workday this Saturday so I am curious to see how the site changed since my visit last Thursday. And of course ... very curious for the upcoming Roots to Fruits event!

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